Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gospel For Asia (GFA)

We finally got this in the mail!!!

"Dear Isela,
I praise God for your heart.  Thank you so much for partnering with GFA.  Know that your life is making huge difference in Asia.  May the Lord be your source of peace and strength.  PS. 32:8 "

Back in Dec. 2011 - Christmas.  Me and the boys decided to give a very small gift to some of the most unreached regions of our world - Asia.  We sat down, logged on to http://www.gfa.org/ website, and browsed through their donation categories and items.  After a long discussion we decided to buy a pair of chickens and (1) one goat.

What can a pair of chickens do and mean for these people?
- For the family of a Bridge of Hope child, a rooster and hen are not pets. They are the source of up to 40 dozen eggs a year! When the pair produces chicks, a flock develops that will provide nourishment and income for years.  (text from gospel for asia website)

A goat?
 - When a Dalit family receives your present of a goat or a pair of goats it will be a special day! Goats are hardy and can live in almost any climate. And a pair of goats produces at least two kids each year. Their manure is also good fertilizer. Your gift of goats will be a good way to bring a little joy to a poor family's world.  (text from gospel for asia website)

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